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The National Education Association's (NEA) endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris for the 2024 presidential and NEA president Becky Pringle’s subsequent comments upon Harris’ loss to President Donald J. Trump once again highlight deep-seated issues surrounding the NEA's involvement in partisan politics, raising serious questions about the union's priorities and its impact on the education system.

Justifiably, many teachers also made comments criticizing the NEA for straying far from its purported mission of improving education. Instead of focusing on classroom issues, contract negotiations, and teacher support, the union once again is pushing a broader political agenda. As one commenter pointedly asks, "What does this have to do with education?" This ideological overreach not only distracts from pressing educational concerns but also is also not the business of the union, regardless of their members’ viewpoints.

Teachers and educators noted that as the NEA’s focus keeps shifting into politics, we are leaving children behind. One comment sarcastically noted, "Meanwhile, Johnny still can't read," further highlighting the disconnect between the union's political activities and the fundamental goals of education.

Instead, the NEA’s insistence to wade into politics is not helping the concern parents and teachers have about political indoctrination in schools. The NEA's open endorsement of political candidates and policies fuels fears of parents and teachers that this partisan stance influences classroom teaching. Teacher Freedom Summit teacher, Sue from Oregon, commented, “Our work is educating students to become productive members of our society, not political activists. Sad how the goals of NEA are now activism.”

This political activism, of course, can only lead to questions about the NEA's financial practices and transparency are prevalent in the comments. Some commenters allege that the union leadership is more concerned with maintaining their own power and financial interests than serving educators and students – Pringle does make more than 8.5x the average teacher in America.

Similarly, and more importantly, one of the most prevalent concerns expressed by teachers the misuse of member dues for political activities. Many commenters, both current and former educators, expressed outrage at their hard-earned money being used to support political candidates they don't endorse. This sentiment is encapsulated by one commenter who states, "I'm glad I'm retired and no longer have to pay dues to support this nonsense." The NEA's use of member funds for political purposes is a clear breach of trust and again is no business of the teacher unions, regardless of what their members believe privately.

As many commenters pointed out, the NEA's political activities have a detrimental impact on how the public views public education. When the union's political activities extend to issues far removed from education, such as unrestricted increases to the U.S. debt ceiling, abortion rights, gun control, and defunding the police, one cannot be too surprised when there become calls to shut down the Department of Education.

In conclusion, the NEA's endorsement of Kamala Harris and its broader involvement in partisan politics is deeply problematic. The comments on the Facebook post reveal a widespread dissatisfaction with the union's priorities and actions. Instead of uniting educators and focusing on improving education, the NEA's political activities are divisive, alienating many of its members and eroding public trust in the education system.

The NEA should heed these criticisms and refocus on its core mission of advocating for educators and students. By stepping back from partisan politics and concentrating on educational issues, the union could better serve its members and contribute more effectively to the improvement of public education. The diverse and passionate responses to the NEA's political endorsement underscore the need for a more inclusive, education-focused approach that truly represents the interests of all educators and students.

The NEA’s continual promotion of a specific political ideology in education undermines public trust in the neutrality and objectivity of the classroom environment.

The union's political activities often extend to issues far removed from education, such as unrestricted increases to the U.S. debt ceiling, abortion rights, and gun control has ignited a firestorm from teachers who are tired of their profession being used to score political points.

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